Looking for party games and fun ideas for your Halloween party!? Indeed, the best Halloween party will have the best games.
Here is the best collection of Halloween party games on or off the internet. These party games are both kid-tested and adult-tested. This author spent many years as a cub scout and boy scout leader. And, my wife was a Brownie leader. Also, we have used many of them at teenage and adult Halloween parties.
For prizes, we suggest penny candy, so you can give out lots of prizes. For the little ones, make sure every kid wins a few pieces. Most importantly, at young ages, the object is to have fun, not compete against one another. Of course, teens like competitive party games.
You can use Halloween party games for other events, too. They make great birthday party games, too. Some may need to be adapted to the type of party you are going to have. For example, the pumpkin in Pumpkin Bocce can be replaced with oranges or grapefruit. Take the party ideas below, and use your imagination….. have fun!
Also see: Halloween Party Ideas – for big and little kids
This is a warm-up or ice breaker game. Undoubtedly, it will help get to know one another. It’s for kids, teens and adults.
All you need is:
Before the party, print neatly the name of a person or character associated with Halloween onto a 3×5 card.
Use a different name on each card.
Make up enough cards for more than each person invited to the party, especially for kids. This can be such a fun game, that party participants often want to play it more than once.
Upon arriving, use a safety pin to put one card on each guests’ back. Do not tell them who is on the card.
Game Objective: To guess who “you” are, the name on your back.
You can ask only one question of a guest, before moving to another guest to ask a question.
Only “Yes” and “No” answers can be given.
Laughing, facial expressions, etc. are certainly allowed.
Look for questions which will quickly narrow the quest such as:
Object of Game: To guess pairs of hidden objects. Like the “Concentration ” game.
To begin with, take twelve post-it notes.
Using a crayon or marker, number each post -it note from one to twelve on the front, non-sticky side.
On the other side, put on two cards each the words: Ghost, Pumpkin, Witches, Goblins, Treats and scarecrows. Make sure each pair not in numerical order.
You can make up any pairs of names you want.
Put the post-its on a wall in two or three rows in numerical order.
Playing the Game:
Each player takes a turn asking for two numbers to be turned over.
If there is a match, the player wins a piece of candy.
The play goes on to the next player whether or not a match is made.
Tip: For older “kids”, use more than twelve post-it notes.
Object of Game: Hit the golf ball into a pumpkin.
First, carve out a pumpkin. Make the mouth extra large.
Build a cardboard ramp about one to two feet side from the ground to the bottom of the pumpkin’s mouth.
You will probably need some support under the cardboard.
Tape the ramp to the floor for stability.
Mark a starting point a few feet from the start of the ramp. The older the kids, the farther away.
Playing the Game:
Each player gets to hit a golf ball three times.
Each time the ball goes into the pumpkin, the player wins a piece of candy.
Object of Game: Knock over the bowling pins. Make a strike or a spare.
Select several small pumpkins about four to six inches in diameter. You need extras in case a few split or break.
Place plastic (children’s set) of bowling pins several feet away on the lawn or floor of the room.
A great alternative to bowling pins are plastic liter bottles. Let the kids decorate them with Halloween objects before the game.
Playing the Game:
Measure off several feet.
Give each child two tries to knock down the pins.
A strike is worth two pieces of candy.
A spare is worth one piece of candy.
Object of Game: To pitch a penny into a pumpkin.
Method #1: Carve out a pumpkin (or two, or three) and line the inside with plastic or aluminum foil.
Next, make the top opening big. For example, make it larger for little tykes, and somewhat smaller for teens and adults.
Method: #2: Use several small plastic pumpkins(Less messy)
Playing the Game:
Place the pumpkins a couple feet away.
Give each player ten to twenty pennies.
Every time a penny goes into the pumpkin, a piece of candy is won.
Object of Game: To toss a ring around a pumpkin.
Carve out a e to three pumpkins.
Buy or make three or four rings about twice as big around as the pumpkins.
If you don’t know what to use, try an extra piece of leftover electrical cable and tape it together with duct tape. (Scouts use this as a “Reduce, re-use and re-cycle” project)
Playing the Game:
Measure back several feet, depending on the age group.
Give the rings to the player.
A piece of candy (or two) is awarded for ringing the pumpkin.
You can award one piece of candy for a partial ring and two if the ring is completely around.
Object of Game: Get three O’s or X’s.
Use a “Toss Across” game.
Tape pieces of candy or small prizes on some of the O’s and X’s.
You can use a paper note stating the prize. Sometimes the prizes are too big to put on the game.
Playing the Game:
Each player gets five or six bean bags.
Toss the bean bags at the game. There are two ways to win.
Win a prize by getting three O’s or X’s.
If the player turns over a prize, they win that prize.
Object of Game: Tell a chilling tale or two.
Preparation: None
Playing the Game:
Sit around in a circle in a darkened room, with a flashlight in the middle of the circle. We do not recommend candles, as it can be dangerous with the kids.
One player starts the game by saying something for instance like “Once there was……” and makes one or two sentences to begin to build a story. It should relate to and build upon what was previously said.
The next person to the right then adds to the story a couple of sentences. Go around the room at least once.
Try to make the stories scary or gross.
For Instance, start with:
Once there was an old man walking through the graveyard…….
There was an old lady who look so much like a witch………
I saw it slithering in the shadows ……………..
Once there was an eerie sound that was like………..
Object of Game: Roll a pumpkin closest to the big pumpkin.
First, carve out a large pumpkin.
Next, buy several miniature or small round sugar pumpkins.
Playing the Game:
First, place the big, carved-out pumpkin several feet away.
Give each player a small pumpkin.
Each player rolls (No tossing or throwing) their pumpkin and tries to be the closest to the big pumpkin.
The player closest wins a prize or piece of candy.
Play as many times as you want. (Or until you run out of prizes.)
Also, don’t forget the party recipes: