Looking for something novel for your Halloween party or Thanksgiving dinner? It’s easy to make pumpkin bowls and serving dishes for your parties and events. You can make a wide variety of bowls and dishes, to match how you will use them. All it takes is a pumpkin or two, and a little effort. And it takes very little time to make them. Here’s how to make pumpkin bowls and serving dishes:
These attractive serving bowls and dishes will be the hit of your party. Also, make sure to use them for other Fall get-togethers, too.
How to Make Pumpkin Bowls and Serving Dishes
For pumpkin bowls and dishes, select a healthy, unblemished pumpkin, of the size you want to use.
Next, scrape out the insides of the pumpkin.
Listed below are some ways to make a pumpkin serving bowl with your cleaned-out pumpkin.
Food Safety Tip: Importantly, safety comes first. Once you cut open a pumpkin, bacteria can quickly develop. So, make the bowls or serving dishes just before use.
Cold Drinks, Juice, Pudding, Apple Sauce, More
This is a great way to display and serve food for your event. You can put countless cold foods and beverages inside of it.
Clean out the pumpkin just before using it.
Cut the lid off the pumpkin and scoop out the insides.
Pour the liquid, pudding, or sauce into the cleaned-out pumpkin.
Discard it and any leftover contents right after the party. The pumpkin can not be kept.
Snack Serving Bowl
You can make bowls to hold candies, cookies, popcorn, and many other treats.
Clean out the pumpkin just before using it.
Cut the lid off the pumpkin and scoop out the insides.
Line the pumpkin with plastic wrap.
Place the snacks inside the pumpkin.
Discard it and any leftover contents right after the party. The pumpkin can not be kept.
Hot Drinks
It’s the perfect dish to hold hot cider mull or hot chocolate.
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Cut the lid off the pumpkin and scoop out the insides.
In a large, shallow pan, add 1/2″ of water, and place the pumpkin upside down.
Cook pumpkin in the oven for about 30 minutes, until pulp is just beginning to get soft. Do not cook it too long, or it may split or leak after filling it.
Remove pumpkin from oven.
Pour hot cider, hot applesauce, etc. into the pumpkin.
The first time you make this, we recommend placing the pumpkin bowl inside a flat, shallow dish or bowl. If you have cooked it too long, the pumpkin can leak or split. The trick is to cook the pumpkin just until it starts to get soft.
Discard the pumpkin after the party.
Miniature Pumpkin Bowls
These bowls are great for individual servings.
Miniature pumpkins make excellent bowls for ice cream, puddings, soup, stuffing, and much more.
For serving ice cream, pudding, and other cold treats, follow method #1 above.
For serving hot foods like soup, follow method #3 above.
How to Make Pumpkin Serving Dishes
Pumpkin serving dishes are made and used in the same manner as a pumpkin serving bowl. The difference, is you slice the pumpkin in half (horizontally). Then, follow methods #1, #2, or #3 above.
Pumpkin Bowls Tip: Depending upon what you are using it for, you may want to line the bottom of the pumpkin bowl with aluminum foil or plastic film wrap.