Pumpkin Health Trivia: People eat pumpkins because they taste delicious in hundreds of recipes. There’s a recipe for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. If that is not enough to convince you to eat more, consider the fact that they are also nutritious. And, if you need even more convincing, be advised that pumpkins are good for your health.
Here are some uses of pumpkins in health care, yesterday and today:
Pumpkins were believed to help eliminate freckles.
Pumpkins were once used as a remedy for snake bites.
A number of facial and anti-wrinkle creams include pumpkins.
Looking for food with zero cholesterol? You found it!
Pumpkins are low in salt, real low.
Pumpkins contain beta carotene which helps to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
They lower the risk of heart disease.
Pumpkin seeds help to reduce the risk of prostrate cancer.