Pumpkin Community of Growers

Pumpkin Seedling

Pumpkin Community - It's for Everyone!

Whether you are a pumpkin grower, a pumpkin eater, or just like to decorate and play with pumpkins around Halloween and Thanksgiving, you are a member of a large and growing family that just loves everything about pumpkins. Our pumpkin community shares experiences, successes as well as dis-appointments with others just like you, who share your love for the big orange orb.

The most avid and dedicated in our community are giant pumpkin growers. In their quest to grow the biggest fruit in the world, they experiment, follow genetics, and look for every tip and idea for growing healthy plants to produce enormous fruit. You might expect them to be secretive about how to grow giant pumpkins, However, you will find these pumpkin growers friendly and approachable. Most of them will openly share their growing techniques. And, they just might give you a few seeds from their prize pumpkin. But a word of caution: growing giant pumpkins is an addicting hobby.  

Pumpkin lovers share some great personal traits. We are :

  • Fun loving
  • Intelligent and inquisitive
  • Respectful of nature.
  • Friendly and helpful, because we share our knowledge with others.
  • Easy going
  • Charitable
  • and much more

See What's Happening In The Pumpkin Community

Join the Fun:

Join in the fun with pumpkins!

Whether you are growing them, playing with them, seasonal fall and Halloween decorating, or cooking your favorite pumpkin recipe, please share the fun with others.

So, don’t wait. Share your experience today. 

For more about our favorite orange orb, see our sister sites The Gardener’s Network and Garden Hobbies.

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